The Largest Gathering of Aircraft & Aviation Enthusiasts
July 24 – 30, 2023 Oshkosh, WI

Booth 310 – Main Aircraft
At EAA AirVenture 2023, KipAero representatives will be onsite to discuss your early aero project. From Sopwith aeroplane kits, special projects, to custom products, KipAero’s team is here to help you reach your goal.
Look for the green army tent at Main Aircraft, Booth 310. Don’t miss daily Gnome Monosoupape engine runs at the Vintage Red Barn. Check the daily schedule for engine times.
To enhance your WW1 knowledge, attend one of the presentations Kip Lankenau will be giving about early aeroplanes:

Langley & Mechanical Flight
His name forever tied to the very public failure of his man carrying Aerodrome, Samuel Pierpont Langley’s earlier groundbreaking studies of aerodynamics and successful experiments in mechanical flight inspired many others, including the Wright brothers.
Tuesday, July 25, 2023, 2:30pm – 3:45 pm
EAA Museum – Hilton Theater

The Royal Naval Air Service in WW1
By the end of the First World War, Britain’s Royal Naval Air Service was conducting aircraft operations from many types of warships. Come learn about the birth of the aircraft carrier.
Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 2:30 pm – 3:45pm
EAA Museum – Hilton Theater

Flying Early Aeroplanes
Get ready to turn back the clock and learn what flying was like long ago. With their unique flying characteristics and operating requirements, combined with the challenge of period engines and equipment, there is nothing like flying an early aeroplane.
Get ready to turn back the clock and learn what flying was like long ago. With their unique flying characteristics and operating requirements, combined with the challenge of period engines and equipment, there is nothing like flying an early aeroplane.
Monday, July 24, 2023, 2:30 pm – 3:45pm
EAA Museum – Vette Theater