New Gnome Rotary Engine Production Resumes after 100 years
Production of Gnome Monosoupape 100 hp rotary engines has resumed after a lapse of nearly a century. These high quality, period authentic engines are now manufactured by Classic Aero Machining Service of Blenheim, New Zealand. For those who want to experience exactly what it was like to fly during the Great War era, the smells, sounds and other characteristics of a rotary are unlike any other engine. They were fitted to many aeroplanes of the period, including Sopwith.
Gnome Rotary Engine Test Video
Gnome Test Vehicle Video
Gnome Rotary Engine Specifications*
No. of cylinders | 9 |
Bore of cylinder | 110 m/m |
Stroke | 150 m/m |
BHP at 1230 R.P.M. on ground | 106 hp |
BHP at 1200 R.P.M. on ground | 104 hp |
BHP at 1150 R.P.M. on ground | 99 hp |
Petrol consumption at 106 BHP | .778 pint her HP per hour |
Lubricating Oil | Castor Oil |
Lubricating Oil, consumption | 16.6 pints per hour |
Weight of W.D. Engine with oil pump, air pump and magneto | 260 lbs |
* from the original "MONO" Instruction book. New Gnome engines produce 125hp at 1125 R.P.M. |